Thursday, March 21, 2013


With Midwinters coming up this weekend, we have an opportunity for teams to get a snapshot of what their practice has taught them.  For the mor experienced teams, this will be a chance to work on playing the mental game; staying calm, and focused on execution will be the keys at the top of the fleet.  For the younger teams, this will be a chance to see what the top teams are doing, and to work on emulating some of the techniques and practices of the those teams.  Here is a great article on trapeze technique that every crew should read and internalize.  Wherever you fall in the fleet, use this event as a benchmark to see where you stand before the summer training season begins!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Front Page Press

Check out 29er HP A-team'ers Dane Wilson, Quinn Wilson, and Riley Gibbs on the front page of Sailing Anarchy today for their recent cross training in 18 foot skiffs!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Worlds Planning

The 80 degree weather outside has reminded me that summer is right around the corner! The promise of good wind and great competition is diminished only by the impending logistical challenges of making arrangements for Europe, but if you start now, your work will be much easier.  Here are a few things to consider:

Where To Get Sailboats:
While there aren't always a lot of options for this, there are always options.  Shipping can offer some great benefits including getting to use your own boat, and getting to send other toys as well, but it can also be a big challenge. It takes about 14 29ers to fill a container, but if you start asking early, you can sometimes get a spot in a US Sailing container, or another fleet's container when they ship.  Consult someone with experience in shipping if you are going to go this route.

A great option is to try to charter from a builder such as Ovington or Nautivela.  These companies generally operate with a much higher degree of professionalism than other charter businesses, and will often offer support during the event if anything breaks.  E mail the builder directly to reserve boats through them.

Middle-man charter companies also exist, but can be somewhat unreliable as they are less accountable to the International Class Association than the builders.

Local charters are often available, but can be very difficult to track down unless you have local connections.  If you are going to get your hands on one of these you'll need to start looking early, and you should be sure to request photos.

Where To Charter Coach Boats:
If you go with a local charter, you can often find a boat for much less than a big charter company will charge, but in order to get your hands on one of these you'll have to start putting your network to work early.  Talk to coaches, and European sailing friends to see if anyone can put you in touch with a local coach who might be able to help you find a charter.

How To Find Housing:
For this part of the puzzle, it is often best to consult a travel agent if you don't have local contacts.  Sailor and coach extraordinare, Elizabeth Burnham runs a service called Sailing Team Travel, which can assist in making these arrangements.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hard On The Wind

NHYC's latest "Hard On The Wind" publication featured a full page (page 15) regatta write-up on the Open Orange Bowl by 29er HP Team Member, Campbell D'eliscu.  Also in the edition (which can be viewed in full by clicking here), Campbell was recognized for his appointment as Vice Commodore to the Non-Calm Board (junior board), while his brother Briggs was mentioned as the new 29er Fleet Captain, and Briggs' 29er skipper, Rhodes Garner as the Senior Fleet Captain.  Even the Sabot Fleet Captain, Joseph Hou is one of the newest additions to the 29er fleet, and will be competing on the 29er HP team at the Midwinters West.

Congratulations guys!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Turbo 420

The 29er class has known for a long time that, "Fast is fun!", and it looks like even some of the traditionalists are starting to catch on.  In the last year or so, there has been a lot of talk about the next step in college sailing, and we're starting to see results like the development of the Rondar Turbo 420 which could bring a little bit more high performance to College and High School Sailing.  In big boat sailing, recent success of the J70 fleet among even some of the more old school sailors has added to the completeness of the high performance sailing revolution.

Prepare for the transition by learning to sail a 29er!