What We Do

29er Jump-Start Charter Program: Designed to help launch top Opti and Sabot sailors to the top of the 29er fleet, the 29er Jump-Start Charter Program provides the full package - boat charter, expert crew, and top level coaching with the 29er HP team - into one convenient package.  Currently this is an invite only program with limited availability.  For more information or to apply for an invitation, please submit an application here.

Action Camera Training: Using modern, waterproof action cameras, 29er HP coaches and team members evaluate technique and boat mechanics through up close footage to accelerate learning, and create promote better understanding of all aspects of boat handling.  While team members are encouraged to invest in a camera for their own training, program cameras are often used at training camps to provide more angles on the action.  If you have a question on technique, upload a video to Youtube, and post your question along with the video on our google+ page by clicking here.

XFit Sailing:  What do you get when you cross extreme fitness with extreme sailing?  XFit Sailing is a fitness program tailored to the needs of an international sailing competitor.  The program is intended to bring you to your peak physical condition in time for the summer sailing championship season.

The Inner Game Of Sailing:  Think back to your last race day, and chances are good that you'll be able to recall both good and not-so-good races.  Despite having all of the knowledge and skills that it takes to win a race, many competitors fail to execute to their potential because of a lapse in focus, or a failure to access the knowledge that they already possesses at the correct time.  The goal of The Inner Game Of Sailing visualization program is to help sailors build critical mental skills to produce more consistent race results.

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